The Salary and Hourly Rates of Vue Developers Around the World

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Vue.js competence, as the third most-used JavaScript framework, is one of the most-searched-for abilities in the tech stack of frontend and full-stack engineers. Vue.js expertise is also popular among developers that have experience with JavaScript frameworks. The latest State of JavaScript research found that 51% of respondents have used the framework over the previous 12 months.

Companies and other organizations worldwide are looking for Vue.js developers who can be engaged directly or through third-party IT outsourcing and software and web development businesses. Many firms looking for software engineers must cast a broad net to find the professionals they want, which increasingly involves recruiting worldwide. This highlights the issue of wage and rate differences throughout the world.

Despite a strong tendency toward a leveling off wage ranges for software engineers and other IT workers worldwide, there can still be large disparities dependent on locality.

A Vue developer’s salary might vary widely depending on their physical location and, more significantly, their country of legal residence. In addition to having higher wages, high-wage economies like Switzerland, Germany, the UK, and the USA have more expensive tax regimes than low-wage economies like those in Eastern Europe that are attractive nearshore software development locations.

The cost to businesses of hiring a Vue.js developer in Poland, Romania, or Ukraine is typically much lower than in the United Kingdom or Germany, even if the developer’s take-home salary is comparable to that of a peer in those countries. This is because these countries have lower tax and pension obligations.

This is reflected in the rates paid by third-party suppliers, which means you must go beyond the pure compensation amounts mentioned here to get a reasonable estimate of what you may expect to pay for Vue developers.

Salary ranges for Vue.js developers worldwide


According to, a German pay database, the median Vue developer in Germany earns between €3418 and €4838 per month (or €42,379 and €59,993 per year).

The average income for a Vue developer is reported to be €70,000 per year (or $5,830 per month) by statistics from, which presents a somewhat different picture. According to the statistics, based on a small sample of 43 incomes, the lowest end of the spectrum for less experienced workers using Vue.js is €62,500 per year or €5210 per month.

Top-tier Vue.js engineers may make up to €95,400 yearly (about $7,950 monthly).


The Swiss economy is well renowned as one of the highest pay countries in the world. What is the typical salary for a Vue developer in Switzerland? According to, the median pay of a Vue developer in Switzerland is CHF110,000 (€105,500) per year or CHF 9166 (€8836) per month, based on a sample set of 17 salaries.

According to the employment board, the minimum annual salary is CHF93,750 (€90,368), the average annual salary is CHF115,000 (€110,852), and the median monthly salary is CHF9583 (€9237).

A search of, however, reveals that senior employment requiring Vue may provide up to CHF140,000 per year (€134950), equivalent to over CHF11,670 (€11,245) each month.

The United Kingdom

The United Kingdom has the largest labor market for software engineers and other IT workers in Europe while having the second-largest economy overall. The average Vue developer pay in the United Kingdom is £57,500 per year, or about £4790 per month, according to data collected by from more than 2,000 developers.

The lowest 10th percentile salary is £37,500 a year, or £3125 a month, for an entry-level post, while the highest 90th percentile salary is £90,000 a year, or £7500 a month. Over the past year, Vue developers’ pay has increased by 9.5%. Vue.js developers are in high demand due to a dramatic increase in the number of permanent positions listing a necessity for Vue.js competence, which rose from 3405 in 2021 to 5277 in 2022.

Based on 341 salaries posted on the employment board, the typical annual income for a Vue developer in the UK is estimated at £55,000. However, the range is narrower, with entry-level roles starting at £42,500 yearly or £3542 monthly. The maximum annual salary is listed as £69,500 ($5,792). That’s much less than the £90,000 a bigger sample size from shows the most senior Vue devs may demand.

Poland calculates the median Vue.js developer pay in Poland to be z79,200 (€16,767) per year based on 97 salaries. We know this number is wildly off because we consistently employ front-end and full-stack devs in Poland, yet the system must have a flaw.

When we look at job listings for Vue developers on the same site, we see that publicized compensation offers align with our firsthand experience. In Poland, entry-level Vue developers can expect to earn between z4000 (€850) and z9000 (€1905) per month (or z48,000 (€10,162) and z108,000 (€22,865) a year).

Mid Vue developer salaries range from z8500 (€1800) to z15,000 (€3175) per month, or from z102,000 (€21,600) to z180,000 (€38,100) each year.

In Poland, the typical compensation range for senior and lead Vue developers is between z21,250 (€4500) and z30,700 (€6500) per month, or z255,000 (€54,000) to z368,400 (€78,000) each year.


While the median Vue.js developer income in Ukraine is lower than in neighboring Poland, the salary range is relatively similar. According to, a Ukrainian IT employment portal, average monthly rates are between $3,500 and $4,000. This works out to $42,000 and $48,000 annually (IT pay in Ukraine is often discussed and agreed upon in USD).

Beginner Vue developers may expect to earn $1000–2000 per month, or $12,000–24,000 per year, whereas full-stack engineers with Vue experience can expect to earn $7000 per month, or $84,000 per year, or more.


It’s no wonder that software developers and other IT experts are in great demand in the United States. Vue developers can expect to make a median annual income of $116,581, with a range of $102,500 to $136,500, according to That works out as roughly $8500 and $11,375 a month and a typical monthly payment of $9715. The data is based on 704 wages.

ZipRecruiter predicts the typical Vue developer pay to be $121,919 per year or $10,159 per month. It begins at $85,000 yearly, or $7083 per month, on the low end for entry-level positions. The highest salary for a senior Vue developer is $156,500 per year or $13,042 per month.

What factors influence a Vue developer’s salary?

The pay ranges for Vue.js developers we’ve shown here have all been compiled from the most reliable data sources in the nations we’ve researched. Every six months to a year, we revise these numbers. Despite this, you may always go to the links supplied to see if anything has changed, especially because salaries in the IT industry have been growing rapidly due to a tightening supply brought on by strong demand.

Developers specializing in Vue.js may expect to earn a wide range of salaries, depending on factors such as the breadth and depth of their skill set and years of relevant work experience.