Tech Salaries and Digital Skills Will Significantly Increase in 2020

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A lot of tech projects are currently at risk in the UK and some of them won’t even be finished. Why? Well because the number of tech talents in the market is decreasing due to skills deficiency.

The insufficient amount of tech skills is significantly increased over the past year and even suitable candidates for the job are not satisfying the employers. Employers fail to give their projects on time and put the whole company at risk.

While the number of tech talents decreases the number of salaries increases. This is quite normal giving the fact that the demand is high thus employers compete for the best candidate. It has been noted 1, 8 percent salary increase.

Reports say that the Irish market numbers are not so different at all and that 2020 will bring them even higher numbers in demand. Numbers for DevOps engineers, BI analysts, Software developers, web developers, cloud engineers, data scientists, etc. are daily increasing.

Employers need to be focused more in the upcoming year if they want to successfully deliver their projects on time. To overcome the tech talent shortage, they will have to invent new ways of faster recruitment. For example, they should speed up the time to hire and they should remove the traditional ways of hiring once and for all. Good salaries are not enough for good talents so they should be creative and invent amazing perks. Annual leave, a balance between life and work, training programs that bring certifications or in other words things that initiate progress will do the job.

Higher demand for something usually brings positions that besides big checks include good perks, flexibility, and balance. If you already have the technical skillset, revise your resume and apply. Also, technical skills are not everything when it comes to technology. The technology is improving and is including more functions daily. The soft skills finally come into play. Maybe it is time for you to focus on soft skills and merge them with your technical skills. Tech talent with both technical and soft skills will dominate in the 2020 market for sure.