7 Methods to Reduce Mobile Fraud Before the Holidays
There were 680% more global fraud transactions from mobile apps in December 2018 than in October 2015 according to RSA. 70% of fraudulent transactions have their source in the mob…

There were 680% more global fraud transactions from mobile apps in December 2018 than in October 2015 according to RSA. 70% of fraudulent transactions have their source in the mob…
ESPC19 2nd-5th December Some are getting excited and preparing for Christmas, others are gearing up for ESPC19. With just days to go, Prague is getting ready to host Europe’s premier gathering of…
For the 7th time, UKISUG Connect will be coming back to the ICC in Birmingham to celebrate the annual SAP conference. This three-day event is the largest in the UK for SAP users, professionals, exper…
Work continues on forthcoming Angular 9, including execution upgrades to the Ivy compilation and rendering pipeline, which will be the default technology after the release. Angular 9 reached a releas…
Most of us know that artificial intelligence (AI) is being an increasingly present part of our daily lives. Still, many of us would be quite surprised to know of some of the skills AI already has. He…
From platforms to languages and frameworks, this is a breakdown of some of the biggest predictions of web development tools rising in popularity in the year 2019. 1. React.js: Arguably, React.js c…
Anyone who has caught a glimpse of the news will have already seen a continuous steam of cybersecurity incidents, from hacks to data exposures. Nobody is safe, even governments have had online se…
With such a significant number of lovely regions and rural areas in Rome, expats are probably going to end up ruined for decision with regards to picking a region for settlement. In any case, some of…
The IoT refers to the internet of things. The excitement about IoT came alive when operators discovered that unlike the traditional SCADA and BMS (Building Management Systems), IoT offers a wide …
Due to data science advancing on a daily basis, so too are the number of security threats to said data. There may come a point where the data threats become so complicated that controlling it will be…