Top 7 Development Predictions for 2020

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

From platforms to languages and frameworks, this is a breakdown of some of the biggest predictions of web development tools rising in popularity in the year 2019.

1. React.js: Arguably, React.js can be described as the most popular JavaScript framework in 2018. It’s an open-source project created by Facebook and supported by the developer community worldwide. React.js growth and expansion over the years is a thing of interest to note. It was deployed first in 2011. This year 2019, popularity is most definitely going to rise.

2. Next.js: This is a React framework with seamless versatility for developing static applications and server-side rendered sites. It has an incredible range as an app-agnostic framework and also provides help to developers that create projects with Electron, and lots more. Next.js next move might be to solidify its ground as a standard alternative.

3. GraphQL: It addresses the concept of receiving and interacting with data. It solves that problem efficiently. GraphQL can intelligently converge separated API resources that would be needed for one process/result on the frontend into one organized, well-implemented schema.

In 2019, GraphQL has been involved in some interesting explorations into different languages, tools, and systems. It is absolutely a front runner when considering the continuous evolution of the consumption of data in web development. It will most likely dominate the querying world.

4. Web Assembly (Wasm): it allows more developers to bridge the gap between low-level programming and the web with JavaScript as a compliment. Web Assembly helps optimize compilation, processing, and robustness of dynamic projects that incorporate heavy low-level language operations in ways that JavaScript falls short. One way that it enables the speedy growth of Web Assembly is the ability to take compiled code and port it to the web.

5. This could be the Intermediate platform for developers to learn and practice other programming languages. It infuses practical developer tools such as Git, the command line, and your local dev environment to complete coding exercises that are then submitted. There’s a clear increase in difficulty and intricacy as more challenges are completed for specific languages of your choice. However, this platform is believed to play a unique factor in the self-teaching aspect of being a developer.

6. Spectrum by Github: This might become the standard public social development platform. It is public and provides help for people interested in joining different communities. It also hones in on the importance of well-documented and searchable conversations and topics.

If you intend to be a part of React community or want to create your desired community to share conversational opportunities amongst others, consider joining the spectrum to be a partaker of this growing super community of engaged users across the web.

7. Platforms: Platforms can act as a service to reduce the barrier of entry into learning web development. We are currently in a better era to learn about supportive platforms like Heroku, which helps to host and deploy web apps.

It can be considered as the future of web development for those aspiring to deploy apps effectively with relatively minimal maintenance. There are also global server-less deployment platforms. One of such includes “Now”, it provides free and low-cost services for developers who want seamless cloud configuration, code splitting, and build processes.