Wearable Health Technology – The Latest Trends

Photo by Nadine Shaabana on Unsplash

Today, wearable health technology gadgets are not only used for entertainment. They are responsible for many health benefits, from sports- only to personal.

Lately, multiple reports inform that people do not leave their homes without wearable technology. They are as important as smartphones, wallets, and keys. After all, they monitor people’s physiological features and help improve their lives.

Multiple examples prove that wearable devices without failing have been implemented in health care. Let’s elaborate a little bit about that.

Fitness Trackers – This was the first successful wearable innovation. It is original and, at the same time, simple. It measures the person’s physical activity and allows setting specific fitness goals. It sets several allowed calories, exercise activity goals, glasses of water, and many more. People that wear this particular invention can help in research studies as well.

Smart Health Watches – This innovation is a combination of smartphones and fitness tracker. The innovation allows people to perform not only everyday tasks but also to track their exercise minutes. AppleWatch is the perfect successful example of it. For example, this innovation measures their user’s heart rhythms and warns those that are experiencing atrial fibrillation.

ECG Monitors – Yes, they are wearable, and unlike some smartwatches, they can measure electrocardiograms. For example, Withings Move ECG besides measurement allows you to send the results to your doctor. It is also possible to track walking, running, swimming, and biking on it.

Blood Pressure Monitors – HeartGuide, launched by Omron Healthcare in 2019, is a wearable blood pressure monitor that strikes the resemblance of an ordinary smartwatch.  It can measure blood and daily activities.

Biosensors – Different from trackers and smartwatches, biosensors are products of the new age. There is a group of researchers that recently has made a waterproof, bandage look-alike swat sensor that tells the person who wears it when to fill up electrolytes and fluids. Also, it can determine vital signs, body posture, and step count.

Wearable gadgets are here to stay and gain more popularity. Business Insider Intelligence declares that the industry will significantly grow at a yearly rate of 10 percent.  It is expected to surpass 120 million in the United States by 2023.

The industry won’t stop with innovations as well — a lot of useful devices beneficial to humans. Providing healthcare will arise, and we cannot wait to see them.