The Four Steps of a Successful DevOps Transformation

Image by Dirk Wouters from Pixabay

Different companies and businesses worldwide are showing increased interest in DevOps. They want to take the full advantage of DevOps to provide bigger quality to their applications and services.

 Although this may be true, the awareness that companies share in general about DevOps is stuck to principles and not practical knowledge.

There are a lot of erroneous interpretations about the intention of DevOps and this is the reason why a lot of companies and businesses do not feel confident enough to put agile operations into practice.

Each business and each company has different needs therefore; different DevOps are required to serve their needs. There are four key points so far that will serve the enterprises and will help in the transformation. So, which are the four priorities that every enterprise should take in mind?

Take a notepad and set your goals

Transformation is required when something is wrong thus, change is inevitable or when something is old. You need to decide what your application actually needs or in other words what do you need from it. Do you want to change your infrastructure to implement agile development? Or maybe you want to simply modernize your application? What do you want to accomplish? You need to answer all of these questions before starting to merge with DevOps.

Of course, there are a lot of businesses and companies out there that are not quite sure what they want and are uncertain in many fields. These companies should take their notepads and write down their goals from a technical point of view. This may be simple but it in fact really powerful. This is how you will be able to clear and later fulfill your vision.

DevOps tools: Choose wisely

This task will be easy for you, especially if you previously set your goals up. There are millions of options when it comes to tools offered by DevOps and you only have to choose those that best fit you. See what your case is about and pick up the ones who are the most important. Test everything before implementing, from response time to requests per second, etc. All those goals before will bring additional problems at your doorstep and you will use these tools to prevent, solve or improve them. Inform yourself well before making a decision.

Communication between enterprises and technical sides

For sure, fostering communication between your business and the technical sides is the most challenging key point when you start including DevOps so far. A lot of owners take the processes that DevOps offers but fail to include only one. To produce the wanted effect, a collaboration between functional teams is needed and yet, the organizational structure is neglected.

Many companies and businesses do not implement the knowledge DevOps offers which is wrong. If someone wants the collaboration to end up as a success then needs to consider merging both teams on the business and the technical side.

For a moment let’s try and leave complexity out of this case. Start a discussion and insist on making the right decisions. The DevOps team’s voice is especially important when a stakeholder wants to implement a tool. DevOps should tell all the advantages, disadvantages, pros and cons about that particular tool and together to decide whether they will adopt it or not.

The rumors circling around most of DevOps teams are correct, the communication between sides can be a difficult challenge but this should not demotivate anyone nor should be an excuse for not proceeding. DevOps are capable of doing their job and can attend meetings when it comes to business.


Companies and businesses face another challenge when it comes to DevOps, its measurement. There are three basic examples of measurement and those are modernization, performance, and cost. All these can give different results depending on the viewpoint one has.

 For example, it can give us incredible economic results but what if our goal has nothing to do with the money? Maybe it is about infrastructure or basically anything not related to money.

Next, we have the performance of the application. Organizations need to focus on the application’s work over time and inspect. Is the application performing better or worse this month? Is the application performing better or worse this week? One should include the end-users as well.

As can be seen from the previous key points, mutual agreement, open communication, and collaboration between the companies (businesses) and technical sides of the companies are necessary to get the results you are seeking. The transformation can happen only if the company lets the DevOps team implement its proficient guidance.