5 Anticipated Trends for Remote Work in 2021

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Due to the primary transition to remote work, the workplace changed drastically. Even as in-person jobs slowly resurface, remote positions aren’t likely to disappear completely. The workplace is anticipated to experience many trends going into 2021, such as:

  1. Hub-based systems
  2. Remote hiring process
  3. Hybrid workplace
  4. Using HR technology more
  5. A shift in performance assessments

Hub-Based Systems This means having an established corporate headquarters, also known as a ‘hub,’ and a network of smaller offices. The hubs would primarily be for meetings and important discussions. For businesses that are smaller, this trend would decrease costs while allowing employees to travel shorter distances for in-person jobs.

Remote Hiring Process The hiring process has been operating fully remotely for the past year. This system is expected to continue, though potentially with some in-person elements added. However, whether companies keep this version or adapt to a hybrid hiring process will be determined by the owners and management systems. Several things could affect this, but the efficiency of a remote hiring system has become evident. For example, a decrease in the time needed to conduct interviews, review resumes, or give assessments due to automated tools were revealed.

Hybrid Workplace Different industries require different kinds of work to be done. Some have tasks that must be done in-person, while others can be completed remotely. Lately, most businesses have opted for a hybrid workplace—a combination of in-person and remote work. Many employees enjoy working from and having more flexible schedules. This directly correlates with an increase in productivity, enthusiasm, and so on. A hybrid workplace saves companies resources and money as well.

Using HR Technology More Implementing cloud-based technology is both faster and more efficient for all parties involved. It allows employees to work with little interruption, providing them a smoother experience and getting them engaged. Also, their productivity has increased as a result. HR technology can be used to improve onboarding, managing performance, making better decisions, and assist with remote hiring.

A shift in Performance Assessments The remote functionality of the workplace has affected everything, even in regard to performance assessments. Companies are beginning to look more at work being done rather than how long employees spend doing it. On top of that, frequent performance assessments, as opposed to bi-annual or annual ones, have shown to be increasingly beneficial. It lets employees give feedback, and management teams re-evaluate what isn’t working on a more accurate level.

Conclusion Most of the workplace is in the process of settling into their desired forms of work. While a hybrid workplace is preferred, some companies still don’t know what works best for them. This is why analyzing trends from 2020 and how they might affect 2021 is useful. The entire workplace is in a state of experimentation, which is likely to continue until at least the end of 2021. In fact, it may take another year or two before it all begins to be viewed as normal. COVID-19 has left industries trying to find their best systems to make the most of what they have available to them.