Top 7 Entry-level IT Jobs in USA and Their Outlook

Image by David Mark from Pixabay

For recent graduates, the IT industry is full of opportunities for earning an attractive career doing something they are passionate about. With such an expansive range of jobs, where do you start?

While tempting as it is to look for an IT job with the highest salary, it is also worth looking at the growth rate each We consulted the Bureau of Labor Statistics and took the average annual income from 2018 and the expected annual growth for between 2018 and 2028. Here is what we discovered.

  1. Applications Developer

As an application developer, you will design and develop software and/or apps for computers and mobiles. The job entails analyzing user needs and using feedback so that the products allow them to process necessary information.

The lowest salaries were $61,660 and the highest at $166,960, making the average annual income of $103,620. The growth rate is significantly higher than for other jobs at 26%.

  1. Technical Support Specialist

This job involves providing end-users and customers with technical support for both computer systems and software. It might mean providing help for updating systems or maximizing the use of technology. Another part of the job is to maintain networking and internet systems, discover issues, and fix them.

A technical support technician who works with networks can earn an average annual salary of $62,770 while those focused on support for users can earn $50,980.

  1. Business/Systems Analyst

It’s the role of a business analyst to assess what a company needs in terms of IT systems, based on what managers and staff require. With their knowledge of the latest technologies, they will be able to advise on the best solutions and make sure they are implemented correctly.

There is a large salary range, with the bottom 10% earning $54,360 and the top 10% earning $142,220. The average annual income in 2018 was $88,740 and the growth rate was at 9%.

  1. Web Developer

A web developer must create websites depending on the requirements of end-users, but also that are fast, reliable, and look appealing while still being organized and functional. After consulting with IT employees, they will then integrate certain apps into a site and even resolve issues.

The lower end of the income is around $37,930, the average at $69,430, and high income earning had an average annual salary of over $124,480. The growth rate looks optimistic for these careers, at 13%.

  1. Network/Systems Administrator

This role requires the IT professional to install and maintain local networks and intranets. They will also have to make recommendations to improve communications systems and implement them. It is also essential for them to analyze networks for threats and set up steps to maintain security.

The average income for a network administrator was $82,050. The lower bracket was at $50,990 while the top earners took home an average salary of $130,720 and above. The growth rate was 5%, which is about the same as other jobs.

  1. Database Administrator

Their job is to discover the best software for an organization’s data. They will install the software and then maintain it. It is the database administrator’s responsibility to make sure all of a company’s data is easily accessible when needed, the databases have the correct security and they are modified to keep up with modern technology.

The income ranged from $50,340 to $138,320 in 2018 with the average at $90,070. The growth rate is expected to be 9%.

  1. Systems Engineer

Based on the needs of a client or company, a systems engineer must create and alter computer systems. They will collaborate with hardware and software engineers as well as system administrators and programmers.

PayScale had an average annual income of $77,875 with the range from $57,000 to $122,000. There are no statistics on the expected growth rate.

Graduates with Associate degrees

If you have a two-year degree, it is likely that you will find a position supporting IT specialists, for example, a support technician, or help desk associate. If you do have an associate degree but an excellent portfolio showcasing your experience and other IT related qualifications, you may still be considered for some of the roles. Either way, experience and the ability to show the IT skills you have acquired will make you a more competitive candidate.